Monday, January 21, 2013

A Partnership Designed Specifically For Diabetics | Fitness Coach Jim

Copyright ? 2013 Jim Ford

Diabetes, like heart disease, is often associated with being overweight and once you are diagnosed with diabetes your battle to fight it can be a scary one. Sure, there are thousands of weight loss programs out there, but how many of them specifically address the needs of a diabetic? Unfortunately, it is often our lack of knowledge that creates the greatest fears. Fear sometimes leads to denial, and this can be dangerous when we are talking about your health.

You don?t just wake up one day and find that you have gained weight and have diabetes. For many, you get caught up in the fast paced business of life, and after many months or even years you realize that in order to chase your dream or simply manage the home you have neglected the most important thing of all, and that is your health.

Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, all very real and very scary issues that we face in America today, but the fact is that you do not have to face them alone. There is a company out there that truly cares about your health, and they have been able to recruit a number of independent coaches to help spread the word that help is out there.

This company has partnered with the American Diabetes Association to develop Project: You! Type 2?, a home based fitness and nutrition plan specially designed for people with type II diabetes.

As an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, I am proud to be able to introduce this program to people across America. Not only can this program help to manage your diabetes, but you know as well as I do the many other benefits that can come from a proper diet and exercise program. I have personally battled health issues related to my unwanted weight gain, including warnings from my doctor about diabetes.

It may have taken you years to get into the condition you are in now so do not expect to correct it overnight. You have to be willing to commit to improving your health. No program, pill, book, or advice can make a difference without your personal commitment to participate.

You should be concerned enough about yourself to commit to improving your health, but if that is not enough, think about those who care about you, and those you care about. Your loved ones suffer and rejoice along with you, giving you the opportunity to impact their lives as much as your own.

You also influence the people around you, especially the younger ones. They need to know that giving up is not the answer.

The same group that produces Project: You! Type 2?, also brings us programs such as P90X, Power 90, Insanity, Les Mills Pump, Les Mills Combat, Turbo Kick, Turbo Jam, and what may be the most nutritious meal replacement shake on the planet, Shakeology! Not to mention that they give you the option to get a 25% discount and represent their products so that you can help others too!

If you or someone you know has to deal with diabetes, know that help is out there, but you must be willing to take that first step. Decide that it is time to make a change, get the program, and commit to it. Without commitment, there can be no success.

To learn more about Team Beachbody products, the Beachbody Coach Opportunity, and Project You Type 2, visit today!

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