Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sponge | Life According to Julie

I?m like a sponge. My brain sucks up information at rapid speed when I am learning something new. I?ll admit I use this gift as a distraction from dealing with any unpleasant emotions, but I could think of worse things to do. I?ve been putting off thinking about all the s*&^ that went down a couple of weeks ago after the media blitz, and have turned that negative energy into teaching myself about hubpages.

I know I?ve written about it here and there this week, and if you are friends with me on Facebook, you will see I?ve been posting an article (or two or three) a day. It?s a great website. The basics are as follows: it?s a blogging community, you write informational articles on topics you are interested, make friends, and post your links. Depending on the traffic of your blogs, you earn a couple pennies on every blog hit.

The learning curve is sharp. I?m used to ranting and raving in the first person, and well ? that just doesn?t fly over there. So I?ve branched out, writing recipes, how-tos, some humor, and other types. I encourage any of you who might like to try writing, to give it a whirl. Message me and I?ll be happy to lend a hand with what I?ve learned in the past couple of days. And of course, PLEASE IF YOU LOVE ME, read my hubs. I?ll earn money off all this typing! And no you don?t have to join in order to read.

Let?s see, what else? Oh yes, I?ve been pondering at what point I can officially call myself a writer. Is it when I?m published? Paid? Just someone who types over 2000 words a day? Well, I?m officially a paid copywriter. And 2000 words is an easy day. I?m working on the publishing part. So I?ll stick to my wanna-be writer status for now until someone other than me thinks my work is publish-worthy. That isn?t a word. Shhh.

Speaking of published, I?m attempting to write an article for a humor site called If you are forty and over, you won?t know what the hell I?m talking about. It?s a site that appeals mainly to men, but gets an enormous amount of daily traffic as it posts ridiculous articles about crazy topics. If you get published over there, you are considered seriously badass. You are guaranteed at least half a million people looking at your work.

Well, nothing like going big or going home. So I?ve submitted two proposals, and working on a few more. And finally?I would like to speak to the rumors that are running through the GSA community regarding my plans to write a book. I could write a nice gentle, compassionate, and professional response, but that just isn?t me.

All I have to say is this: if you think that I?ve put my time,?reputation, blood, sweat, and tears into SOAR and because I want to get rich? You are smokin? something. ?Get your head out of your ass for one moment and realize that people all the time write books, memoirs, and other tales not just for money, but to tell a story. If you are writer, you understand that. If you are a money hogging idiot, you don?t.

I will write a memoir. That?s a given. I may never get published, and that won?t stop me from writing?you see, because that is not why I write. So you can all stop ruminating about whether or not I?ll write a book, because I will.

Okay I?m done.

Last but not least?the DeNeen?s ate the WORLD?s best chicken pot pie tonight. I posted a hub with the recipe. Check it out!

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